MS-13 Terrorizes Long Island NY
Drug gang brings extreme violence to America.
Drug gang brings extreme violence to America.
AI biased in favor of establishment talking points
$72 million spent since 2006 to control Internet under guise of “net neutrality”
Find out what attracts certain people to being oppressed.
As the elite prepare to overthrow Trump, Obama goes into hiding.
You know your on the right path when mainstream media attacks you.
Is history set to repeat itself?
Communism is now openly being taught to American children.
GOP senator uses Obamacare scheme to enrich himself
GOP senator uses Obamacare scheme to enrich himself
Once again mainstream media is behind on breaking a big news story.
Managed to get into the UK by falsely claiming he was an Iranian opposition party member fleeing persecution.
EU threatens independence of nations
Globalist run media continues to push Russian agent narrative.
Trump has tapped the core of American character