MSM Admits CIA Launching False Flag Hack Attacks In The US
Media finally forced to report on news that came out over a month ago.
Media finally forced to report on news that came out over a month ago.
Forcing a person to give up his property for less money than he wishes to receive is essentially legalized theft.
ICE said 75 individuals were arrested in a three-day operation in North Texas; others in Virginia, Maryland and DC.
Now charged with illegal re-entry…
WWIII could be around the corner if world leaders are not careful.
“If a company were to make mistakes on the same scale, it would have gone broke”.
Legislators in 33 states have introduced measures to limit or prevent cities from acting as sanctuaries
U.S. Rep Henry Cuellar: ‘In Texas, we have a long tradition of private property rights.’
Hillary losing her mind
Probable false flag chemical attack triggers Trump to attack Syria.
‘We’ve seen an absolutely amazing drop in the number of migrants coming out of Central America.’
Soros EU attack dogs unleashed in response to crackdown
Proof surfaces of major Soros investments into affecting elections
Brainwashed liberals are more afraid of Trump policies than the infamous terror group.