The Elite Want You Collectivized!
Social programming used to conquer and divide the American public.
Social programming used to conquer and divide the American public.
Percentage of American workers testing positive for illegal drugs is at highest level in a decade.
Situation similar to TPP proposals
“The time has come to defeat globalists,” she said.
‘A new wave of refugees this summer would overwhelm us,’ foreign minister said.
Found Trump within his legal rights to impose travel ban and it is not discriminatory toward Muslims.
Footage shows Democrat operative admitting illegals strongly encouraged to vote dem.
Dr. Nick Begich reveals how the elite purposely dumb down and control populations.
14-year-old girl raped in a high school.
Also, find out what the elite have planned for the next decade.
Farage under attack for speaking the truth.
Administration unhappy with local agencies limiting cooperation on detentions.
The battle to free humanity from the shackles of the globalists is at a tipping point.
Why is Microsoft catering to oppressive Chi-coms?
Leftists use global body to break America’s sovereignty