Congressman: Kelly Has Isolated Trump
Another source confirms information is being withheld from POTUS.
Another source confirms information is being withheld from POTUS.
The left is still upset about Trump’s controversial move.
Pro-Trump voices in Washington are being silenced.
The bill will come before the Commerce Committee for a markup on Oct. 4
Congressman speaks out about the attack.
The establishment will use any means necessary to stop Trump.
Big brother doesn’t like citizens who want answers
The truth behind Trump vs. NFL
No evidence has been provided to support the hysteria
The Republican party has undergone a total transformation.
Roger Stone explains what went on during his closed hearing at Capitol Hill.
If Manning chose to run he’d have a very good shot at winning.
The Democrat Congresswoman is completely losing her mind
Susan Rice, Samantha Powers made hundreds of unmasking requests.
Basic framework for tax relief targeting the middle-class and small businesses