Senate GOP Near Votes To Replace Obamacare With State Block Grants
Chuck Schumer issued a “red alert” on Twitter
Chuck Schumer issued a “red alert” on Twitter
Obama Foundation holds “civics summits” without valid IRS approval
21 Americans suffered medical harm in Havana
‘This is the anti-establishment candidate. He’s not a member of the swamp,’ he says
Assange must provide proof that there’s no truth to Russian collusion narrative
Judicial Watch released emails belonging to Hillary and top aide Huma Abedin
A discussion about the danger of censorship
Call to action comes after one month of no progress in determining cause of sonic attacks on U.S. diplomats in Havana
The White House is reportedly open to the idea
Eight of the 20 wealthiest counties with populations of 65,000 or more were also suburbs of Washington, D.C.
Digital privacy means different things to different people
Includes roughly $1.6 billion for construction of physical barriers along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Where does amnesty fit into #AmericaFirst agenda?
SHARE Act moves forward
Navy has never before deployed its D.C.-based Cyber Command abroad