The Man Who’s Taking on Paul Ryan, Leader Of The Opposition
Establishment puppet Ryan is one of the top anti-Trump politicians
Establishment puppet Ryan is one of the top anti-Trump politicians
Federal judge pushes back against FBI refusal to disclose info
Leftists vehemently oppose bipartisan politics
FBI, DHS classified Antifa activities as domestic terrorism, docs reveal
Republicans crafting bill to preserve DREAMers’ paths to citizenship
The left is run by the worst America has to offer
Liberal politicians and leaders have finally started condemning the terrorist group
Dem president cashes in on taxpayer-funded perks
Klein was terminated ostensibly for failure to follow orders, but his attorneys at the Whistleblower Law Firm are crying foul
The deep state is using social media to control the narrative
Investigator warns rogue FBI is still protecting Clinton
Former advisor asserts General Kelly is isolating Trump
A discussion about the DNC fraud lawsuit controversy and mysterious deaths surrounding it
The globalist plan to destroy Trump has been revealed
‘Banning certain types of firearms steps on the Second Amendment’