Philip Mudd On Trump: The Government’s Gonna Kill This Guy
CNN analyst threatens Trump on live TV.
CNN analyst threatens Trump on live TV.
Something fishy is happening in CA
Documents may include additional communication between Hillary Clinton
Search for State Department emails regarding the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks receives a boost…
POTUS tricked into supporting establishment politician.
These actions focus our resources on the most egregious criminals and promote public safety in the communities in which we live and work”
The deep state is working overtime to dismantle Trump.
NYT caught reporting #FakeNews to smear Trump – again
Bureaucratic screw-up leaves vet wrongfully targeted
“The investigation into the corruption and identity theft scheme is ongoing”
The problem with the prison industry
Was Comey helping Lynch and Clinton cover up illegal activity?
Chicago Mayor steps up to bat for illegals, not his constituents.
Is the US a democracy committing suicide?
AG blasts lawless Chicago officials