FBI Paid Nearly $1mn to Hack Into San Bernardino Killer’s IPhone – Senator
Immediately following the disclosure, FBI director James Comey did not confirm or deny the figure.
Immediately following the disclosure, FBI director James Comey did not confirm or deny the figure.
VA employees failed to follow proper procedure
Immigrations and Custom Enforcement cannot account for all visa overstays due to inefficiencies in the agency, according to a new report. ICE arrested just 0.4 percent of visa overstays it could account for, according to an audit by the inspector general. The agency has 27 different databases used to investigate and track immigrants who remain […]
Immigrations and Custom Enforcement cannot account for all visa overstays due to inefficiencies in the agency, according to a new report. ICE arrested just 0.4 percent of visa overstays it could account for, according to an audit by the inspector general. The agency has 27 different databases used to investigate and track immigrants who remain […]
Former president desperate to preserve lawless legacy
Former president desperate to preserve lawless legacy
Rules governing federal waters are written in Washington
Learn how the FISA court is used to subvert the Constitution.
Chicago to get monument to Obama instead of help with out of control murder rate.
Comey revealed Abedin mishandled classified docs
Administration circulated unredacted surveillance data on targeted Americans
Administration circulated unredacted surveillance data on targeted Americans
Lawmakers urge public report on Iran’s use of commercial planes to aid terrorists
Democrats oppose human right to self-defense
Government officials conducted 30,355 searches in 2016 seeking information about Americans in NSA intercept metadata…