Japan Made Secret Deals With The NSA That Expanded Global Surveillance
The U.S. and one of its closest allies, Japan, were embroiled in a dispute involving secret surveillance
The U.S. and one of its closest allies, Japan, were embroiled in a dispute involving secret surveillance
Trump wants budget to include wall funding
Antiwar had published “watch list” of people FBI was investigating after Sept. 11, 2001.
Ruling could potentially throw out key evidence in criminal cases…
Will this be the beginning of a new era of persecuting journalists in America?
Wall to cover at least 1,250 miles
Closure will “lessen the possibility of individuals illegally accessing the White House grounds,” Secret Service said.
Seattle PD says “the department is no longer using the software.”
NC Dem. rep: ‘The “stand your ground” law is not needed.’
Charges could include theft of government property, conspiracy or violations of the Espionage Act
Marijuana prohibition is as big a failure as alcohol prohibition was.
CIA-FBI joint investigation examines hundreds of agency employees and contractors
New advisers are proponents of immigration reduction
The American left is getting more and more frustrated as Trump keeps delivering.
Returning to private sector