About $350 Million In Global Warming Foreign Aid Mysteriously Vanishes
The U.S. Department of the Treasury only donated $49.9 million to the Fund in 2015
The U.S. Department of the Treasury only donated $49.9 million to the Fund in 2015
President elect would be martyr that sparks civil war if elite follow through.
All Americans, no matter their political persuasion, have a stake in defeating these efforts to limit free speech.
Decorated former commander of SOUTHCOM to head DHS
Officials feared Congress would use findings as excuse to slash defense budget.
Bill yet to be signed by Gov. Kasich
Bill yet to be signed by Gov. Kasich
“The lack of transparency surrounding forfeiture is deeply troubling…”
“Now is time to embrace the one thing that truly unites us, America.”
Comedy skits approved by White House, meant to make Hillary look good.
Calls for censorship increase as ‘fake news’ rhetoric is pushed by mainstream.
The bombshell revelations come from the hacked email account of Erdogan’s son-in-law
Learn more about Trump’s stance on prosecuting Hillary Clinton.
The establishment has launched an all out assault on their competition.
Scott Pruitt threatens future of global warming agenda