‘Just how bad was the radiation fallout from the near-complete destruction of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima power station following a massive earthquake-generated tsunami in March 2011? The answer is, most people simply don’t […]

‘Low-income consumers may be set to have essentially free, taxpayer-subsidized Internet service, similar to the notorious Obamaphone, following the federal government’s takeover of the web. All three democrat members of the Federal Communications Commission have […]

‘In a taste of what lies ahead, Yanis Varoufakis, the flamboyant new finance minister, said on his way to the government’s swearing-in ceremony that negotiations would not continue with the hated troika of officials representing […]

‘Last November we highlighted Samsung’s global privacy policy, which advises users to, “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and […]

‘It seems like an eternity ago when Obama delivered the following extensively choreographed “Statement by the President on ISIL”, in which he praised US anti-terrorist tactics, giving Yemen and its “partners” as an example of […]

‘It seems like an eternity ago when Obama delivered the following extensively choreographed “Statement by the President on ISIL”, in which he praised US anti-terrorist tactics, giving Yemen and its “partners” as an example of […]

‘The federal government is behind the hideous and inhumane experimentation on livestock animals, according to a new report by the New York Times. The Times says that a little-known agricultural and veterinary research facility, the […]