We continue to report on important mainstream investors, professional and private, who have warned about an impending, global financial catastrophe.  Now, add Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to that list. George Soros, Stanley Druckenmiller, and Carl Icahn among others have

It seems barely a day passes now without some big name person warning of imminent collapse.  The latest is Alan Greenspan. In an interview on Thursday he told Fox News that Venezuela is now under martial law and that “America is next.”

Throw every “norm” out the window.  This Keynesian, central banking world has everything so distorted that nothing makes sense anymore. There are currently more than $7 trillion in bonds, worldwide, offering a negative interest rate. Wrap your head around that!  People

Last year, we were the first financial site to explain how the Shemitah seven-year cycle would have an important and disastrous effect on the markets. The Shemitah ended in the third quarter of last year and just as we predicted, it was

What is corruption? Well, that’s a political question, and the answer depends on who you ask. In this podcast we discuss the anti-corruption summit in the City of London, the world’s capital of sleaze and ask if the sun ever

On Thursday, Donald Trump told CNBC that his solution to dealing with the $19 trillion-plus national debt involves a form of default such as repurchasing existing bonds at a discount. The media jumped all over him calling his idea “insane” and

Billionaire trader, Stanley Druckenmiller, recently stated that the current situation in the global economy is similar to the situation on the eve of the crisis of 2008. At the Ira Sohn Investment Conference in New York, he said, “The bull

Yesterday we wrote about our doubts on Craig Wright and who he is.  Less than 24 hours later he has disappeared. You can say one thing about bitcoin: it’s never boring!  Tracking developments surrounding it is more entertaining than a