You don’t need me to tell you how disastrous the Obama Administration’s Syria “strategy” has been. After all, he pretty much admitted as much by announcing a pullback earlier today. While the retreat in itself is garnering all the headlines, with people

Historian Peter Turchin identified “the degree of solidarity felt between the commons and aristocracy” as a key ingredient of the Republic of Rome’s enormous success. Turchin calls this attribute of social structure vertical integration, a term that usually refers to

– IMF warn of “fresh financial crisis” – German exports fall 5.2%, largest slump since recession of 2009 – German imports also fall 3.1% – Many sectors across German economy see unexpected declines in factory orders and industrial production –

Simply put, job growth is not keeping pace with population growth–specifically, the growth of the labor force which is generally defined as the population between the ages of 18 and 64. So what happens to the economy as millions of

Like other banks, Deutsche has been caught up in the Libor-rigging scandal, and faces another investigation in Switzerland for suspected price-fixing in the precious metal market. Gillian Tett, ourselves and many others have warned that Deutsche and its massive derivative

On Monday, we learned that global “leaders” had come to an agreement on the infamous Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP. While discouraging, this doesn’t mean the game is over — far from it. Although politicians have come to a secret agreement,

Heroic efforts are being made to cloak the stagnation of the U.S. economy. One of these is to shift the unemployed work force from the negative-sounding jobless category to the benign-sounding Not in the Labor Force (NILF) category. But re-labeling stagnation

Submitted by David Bryan The future direction of the planet is a choice between independent money and the central bankers counter-party paper Ponzi. Gold is independent monetary wealth with incredible wealth value that cannot go broke and over time will