Just last evening, I posted an article about how the UN disgracefully named Saudi Arabia to head its human rights panel. So how do the Saudis plan on celebrating this achievement? By executing a teenager via crucifixion, naturally… Read the rest here.

The idea that human life subdivides rather naturally into stages is based on our natural progression from childhood into adulthood and eventual (if we’re lucky) old age. Confucian thought views life as a developmental process with seven stages, each roughly

We discuss the sovereign reassignment surgery happening in so-called ‘privatization schemes’ as British companies are more comfortable (to politicians) draped in a French or German flag. In the second half, Max continues his interview with investment banker, Tony Gallippi and

A rising tide raises all boats, from rowboats to yachts–this is the narrative of “prosperity.” A rising tide is also the political cover for rising inequality: if the guy in the rowboat makes $100 more a month, he feels like

Another day, another data point proving what anyone with two functioning braincells already knows. That for most citizens, the U.S. economy is a neo-feudal Banana Republic oligarch hellhole. The facts are indisputable at this point, and the trend goes back

Demand for physical gold this month at “an historically high level” – HSBC Q3 U.S. Mint gold sales set to dwarf those of previous two quarters Supply of physical silver “continues to be tight” and premiums rising China and India

Demand for physical gold this month at “an historically high level” – HSBC Q3 U.S. Mint gold sales set to dwarf those of previous two quarters Supply of physical silver “continues to be tight” and premiums rising China and India