Everyone lauds “creative destruction” when it shreds monopolies and disrupts private enterprise “business as usual.” If thousands lose their middle-class livelihoods– hey, that’s the price of progress. Improvements in productivity and efficiency can’t be stopped, and those employed making buggy

– Austrian decision to renege on guarantees made to junior bondholders overturned – Court does not overrule bail-ins per se – Bail-in legislation still in place across Europe – EU deadline to implement bail-in legislation by end of this month

Did you know that the Federal Reserve pays an annual 6% dividend to its shareholders, i.e., the member banks of the cartel? Must be nice, considering savers who had nothing to do with cratering the world economy, and failed to

Panicked by the possibility of declines that undermine the official narrative that all is well, authorities the world over are purchasing assets like stocks, bonds and mortgages directly. Central banks are explicitly taking on the role of buyers of last

– “I own Krugerrands” says legendary Jim Grant – He is “very bullish indeed” on gold – Gold is “investment in financial and monetary disorder” – says Grant –  It thrives in current environment – “uncertainty, turbulence and disorder” –