On the surface, everything still looks remarkably stable in the core industrial economies. The stock markets in Japan, Germany and the U.S. are only a few percentage points off their highs, and we’re constantly assured that inflation no longer exists

Expanding the encrypted domain via encrypted communications and currencies is the global struggle all activists must embrace wholeheartedly.
— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) July 11, 2015

BUSINESS INSIDER: What was your immediate reaction to Cameron’s proposals? Bruce Schneier: My immediate reaction was disbelief, followed by confusion and despair. When I first read about Cameron’s remarks, I was convinced he had no idea what he was really proposing.

Bail-Ins Coming To Greece and Indebted Western Nations – Question Is When? – Governments move toward ever greater financial repression – Repression includes suppression of rates, capital controls, outlawing of cash and bail-ins – Finance ministers discuss cashless society, giving

Banks create money when they make loans. Greece could restore the liquidity desperately needed by its banks and its economy by nationalizing the banks and issuing digital loans backed by government guarantees to its ailing businesses. Greece could provide an

Govt can’t be allowed to profit from forfeiture & suppress defenses by calling residents of other countries fugitives http://t.co/yKz3vivo9w — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) July 9, 2015

Only in America could it been seen as acceptable for the man most directly responsible for causing young veterans their wounds, to turn around and charge $100,000 to speak in front of a charity for those same veterans. While one could argue

Debt Resistance UK (DRUK) are initiating a local authority debt audit campaign to demonstrate how the framework of local government finance has been co-opted to work in the interests of private banks, and not in the interests of taxpaying citizens