You may have seen a variation of this chart of employment in the U.S. by age group. This chart–courtesy of– shows the number of those employed (with any kind of job–full-time, part-time, self-employed) as a percentage of the Civilian

Correction: @StartHLDGS has given away $1.2 mn. in 12 mo’s – and we’re looking to raise that to $6.3 mn. over next 12.
#DyslexiaIsABitch — Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) July 9, 2015

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Growth of Chinese Margin Accounts Drove Bubble – Now Drives the Crash – Restrictions on borrowing to speculate were eased in 2010 – Middle class savers gradually saturated the market trading on leverage – Market crash began as government tried

Everything has changed in the past 48 hours… While spot/paper prices have stabilized today, if any further weakness materializes in the paper futures markets for gold and silver, we are looking at the very real potential of 2008 style physical premiums

Everything has changed in the past 48 hours… While spot/paper prices have stabilized today, if any further weakness materializes in the paper futures markets for gold and silver, we are looking at the very real potential of 2008 style physical premiums

Just yesterday, I published a post titled: Florida Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Jail for Having Sex on the Beach. The purpose of that post wasn’t to justify his actions, but rather to highlight the difference between how average citizens are

Just yesterday, I published a post titled: Florida Man Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Jail for Having Sex on the Beach. The purpose of that post wasn’t to justify his actions, but rather to highlight the difference between how average citizens are

The following paragraphs pretty much summarize Donald Trump perfectly. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing

The following paragraphs pretty much summarize Donald Trump perfectly. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing

Beneath the endless twists and turns of Greece’s debt crisis lie fundamental asymmetries that doom the euro, the joint currency that has been the centerpiece of European unity since its introduction in 1999. The key imbalance is between export powerhouse