Democracy deserved a boost in euro-related matters. We just delivered it. Let the people decide. (Funny how radical this concept sounds!) — Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) June 26, 2015 Confirmed info. #Eurogroup will continue without @yanisvaroufakis — Eleni Varvitsiotis (@Elbarbie) June

Though we may think of collapse in terms of ATMs not working and rampaging mobs, collapse actually starts with the intangible loss of faith in public institutions:elected officials, law enforcement, the justice system and the agencies of financial regulation (anti-trust,

Not Owning Gold Bullion Shows “Ignorance of Monetary History” – “Gold remains in secular bull market” – System is addicted to unsustainable debt – Persistent deflationary forces threaten system  – Monetary authorities to take increasingly risky measures to engender inflation

One poorly understood source of collapse is the lack of pathways to contraction and a reduction of complexity/cost. The only pathway that is clearly marked is the one to expansion–of production, debt, credit, government, income, benefits, costs and complexity: more

One poorly understood source of collapse is the lack of pathways to contraction and a reduction of complexity/cost. The only pathway that is clearly marked is the one to expansion–of production, debt, credit, government, income, benefits, costs and complexity: more