Commentators seem split into three camps: those who see Trump as a manifestation of smouldering social/economic ills, those who see Trump and his supporters as the cause of those ills, and those who see Trump as both manifestation and cause

‘Oxford University Chancellor Chris Patten has dismissed calls from student campaigners to remove a statue of colonial-era politician Cecil Rhodes from of the university’s Oriel College as an attempt to rewrite history. Patten, whose role at the university is largely ceremonial, said in a speech Wednesday: “Our history is not a blank page on which […]

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Many well-meaning people want to limit the wealth and power of the super-wealthy, i.e. the Financial Aristocracy/Oligarchy. (For more on the modern class structure, please see America’s Nine Classes: The New Class Hierarchy.) Reformers have suggested everything from a global

‘As parliament votes on its latest Middle East war, the diaries of a young army officer detailing the disastrous Mesopotamia campaign against the Ottoman Empire in the First World War are going on display in London. The young subaltern, named Lieutenant Henry Curtis Gallup, was one of thousands of troops sent to the region to […]

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Radical American progressives have always fancied themselves “revolutionaries,” but a more apt description might be “authoritarians,” for if they had their way, your choice of expression, speech, belief system and especially political leanings would either match theirs or you would be deprived of them, and by force, if necessary. There is no better proof of […]

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‘In the course of the last two years, Pope Francis has been portrayed in chorus by the Western media as an antiwar activist and a left leaning champion of “Liberation Theology” committed to World peace and global poverty alleviation. His September 24 speech to the US Congress was described as “stunning in the breadth, depth, […]

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‘This is the story of the United States, the atom and Iran. It’s the story of a historic nuclear agreement — a story we may be tempted to think we know. After all, Congress just finished a chaotic debate that ended when lawmakers failed to block the deal. There was no solemn national moment of […]

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‘Known and documented, since the Soviet-Afghan war, recruiting Mujahideen (“holy warriors”) to fight covert wars on Washington’s behest has become an integral part of US foreign policy. A 1997 Congressional document by the Republican Party Committee (RPC), while intent upon smearing President Bill Clinton, nonetheless sheds light on the Clinton administration’s insidious role in recruiting […]

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‘Common Core and similar corporate-driven efforts to alter education are starting to have some serious consequences. Rewriting history is a major part of the silent takeover that is and has been underway for some time. The powers that be are interested in control, not in freedom. That much is understood. As such, American history – […]

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‘President Obama’s surprise announcement last December to normalize relations with Cuba has produced a flurry of media interest in this island nation that has been off-limits to Americans for more than half a century. Much of the coverage has focused on the arduous negotiations that have transpired in the effort to re-establish a level of […]

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‘If there’s anything to be learned from history concerning public health, it’s that supposedly advanced civilizations don’t always get things right, despite their seemingly progressive knowledge and understanding. For ancient Rome, it was a combination of decadence and heavy metal toxicity, believe it or not, that ultimately led to the empire’s downfall, a fact that […]

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