‘The Netherlands is set to join the so-called US-led coalition in Syria against the purported positions of the Daesh terror group, extending its anti-Daesh mission in neighboring Iraq. The Dutch foreign and defense ministries said in a statement on Friday that The Hague has decided to carry out airstrikes against Daesh in eastern Syria in […]

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‘Far-right Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders says all Muslim male refugees should be incarcerated in their asylum centers in Europe, claiming it to be necessary for protecting women on the streets. Wilders made the remarks in a Monday video for his Freedom Party (PVV) following the recent sexual assaults against women in the German city of […]

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‘Driving instructors in the Netherlands can legally trade driving lessons for sex, government ministers have confirmed. While prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, this controversial form of exchanging sex for services has recently been a hot topic for debate: Some novice drivers have been learning the rules of the road in exchange for sex, in […]

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‘Several Dutch lawmakers have called on the government of the Netherlands to join the US-led coalition that is involved in a bombing campaign against purported positions of the Takfiri Daesh terrorists in Syria. The lawmakers made the plea at a meeting of the Parliament’s Commission for Foreign Affairs late Thursday. “As far as we are […]

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‘This video shows Israeli forces using a dog to attack and injure 20-year-old Ahmad Shteiwi as he participated in an anti-occupation protest in the West Bank village of Kufr Qaddoum, near Nablus, in March 2012. It is one of numerous instances of Israeli forces setting dogs on unarmed Palestinian civilians, including children – a violent […]

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‘After terrorists posing as migrants slaughtered over a hundred people in Paris, Dutch police responded by taking a firm stance….against people who post anti-migrant comments on Facebook. AD.nl reports that a popular Facebook page which featured “hefty discussions about refugee issues and the arrival of asylum seekers” was seized by police and the judiciary after […]

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‘This mechanism was homosexuality, and especially homosexual paedophilia in its most gruesome and perversely violent aberrations. It began in the early 1980s with Klaus von Amsberg, the father of the current Dutch “King.” When still a West-German diplomat working in Africa in the 1950s, Klaus was suspended for engaging openly in paedophile activity. After marrying […]

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‘The study revealed that more than half of Dutch respondents did not want to stay in the Eurozone, nor did they want return to their former national currency. Instead, the majority of those surveyed said they wanted to establish a new monetary union with countries like Germany, saying that it would have been better not […]

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‘The Dutch city of Utrecht will start an experiment which hopes to determine whether society works effectively with universal, unconditional income introduced. The city has paired up with the local university to establish whether the concept of ‘basic income’ can work in real life, and plans to begin the experiment at the end of the […]

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