‘The EU is suffering from a crisis of decision making that means it will slide into irrelevance, George Friedman, US political scientist and founder of think tank Stratfor, said on Friday. To effectively solve the ongoing migrant crisis, EU leaders need to provide more support to the countries that have received the most refugees and […]

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I am often amused by the Western media’s readiness to attribute godlike powers of long-term planning and Sun-Tzu-like strategic brilliance to China’s leadership. A well-known anecdote illustrates the point. Zhou Enlai, Premier of China in the Mao era, who when

‘British MP Jeremy Corbyn has proposed a “People’s QE” that has critics crying hyperinflation and supporters saying it’s about time. Dark horse candidate Jeremy Corbyn, who is currently leading in the polls for UK Labour Party leadership, has included in his platform “quantitative easing for people.” He said in a July 22nd presentation: The ‘rebalancing’ […]

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‘The LAB leadership Betting has been pretty stable since the YouGov poll last month that had Corbyn on 55% on first preferences. Inevitably he’s become the overwhelming favourite as can be seen by the chart. The only recent movement has been with Yvette Cooper who was out as a 5% chance last week and had […]

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‘Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has resigned from his post as head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) executive committee. Over half of the 18-member committee also stepped down along with Abbas, AFP quoted a PLO official, Wassel Abu Yussef, as saying on Saturday, without elaborating about the reason. Yussef added that the Palestine National Council […]

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‘Moderate Labour MPs have been in discussions how to overthrow hard Left Jeremy Corbyn if he is crowned Labour leader next month, The Telegraph can disclose. The MPs are understood to have held informal talks about challenging Mr Corbyn when Parliament returns to work next month. This could see Mr Corbyn fighting for his political […]

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‘It’s easy to see why those in charge of the Labour Party are so depressed. They must sit in their office crying: “Hundreds of thousands of people want to join us. It’s a disaster. And loads of them are young, and full of energy, and they’re really enthusiastic. Oh my God, why has it all […]

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‘Jeremy Corbyn cast aside scathing criticism of his economic policy agenda on Monday as he unveiled plans to end austerity, tackle growing inequality, crack down on corporate tax dodging and help create a thriving, highly skilled workforce. Corbyn’s economic policy plan centers on rebalancing the state’s economy to create a more just, productive, and “prosperity-focused […]

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