‘M. Let him come in! M. Sit down, David! Everything should be done on time, as we discussed. You understand the importance of everything! Wait a second, I will turn on anti-surveillance. McCain confirmed the plan, everything is in place so you know. We got cover from the US Senate. In Syria, Russians must be […]

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‘While lawmakers seem to have no problem finding funds for bombs fighter jets and terrorists in Syria and Iraq, it seems that it is much more difficult for them to find money to pay American soldiers for their service and pay for their healthcare once that service is over. This is because Congressional Defense leaders […]

The post John McCain Leads The Charge To Cut Soldier Benefits; Money For Terrorists But Not For Troops appeared first on David Icke.

”US military leaders have recommended that Washington should leave as many as 20,000 American troops in Afghanistan after 2016, says Senator John McCain. “Well, [the]first recommendation I’m told was 20,000,” the Arizona Republican said in an interview aired Monday night, according to The Hill. “I would have, I think, been comfortable with, say, 10,000 to […]

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‘A Senate hearing opened this morning with Code Pink protesters trying to arrest former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for “war crimes.” The protesters, bearing signs reading “Kissinger War Criminal” and “Cambodia,” rushed up behind […]