Bix Weir Warns Economic Collapse Coming Before Election: “August, September Time-Frame”
Mac Slavo | Crisis may be coming, and soon.
Mac Slavo | Crisis may be coming, and soon.
Louder With Crowder | Dear UNEMPLOYED Millennials who took a long enough break from Pokemon to read this post.
Zero Hedge | If ever there was a reason for more European nations to ‘exit’ the sinking ship, Mario Draghi just spewed one.
Mac Slavo | It seems that it is payday for the banksters.
Michael Snyder | We have added an average of 1.1 trillion dollars a year to the national debt under Obama, and we still have about six more months to go.
Kit Daniels | And how Hillary will destroy America.
Zero Hedge | Speaking overnight in Australia, the Fed’s Loretta Mester said “helicopter money” could be considered to stimulate America’s economy if conventional monetary policy fails.
Mac Slavo | There’s a reason Americans are angered over illegal immigration and despite what liberal-leaning socialists like Hillary Clinton and the Huffington Post may suggest, it has absolutely nothing to do with racism.
Guido Fawkes | China has already signalled its keenness for an Anglo-Sino free trade deal, now India says a bilateral trade agreement would be “made in heaven”.
Michael Snyder | The Dow and the S&P 500 both closed at all-time record highs on Tuesday, and that is very good news.
Zero Hedge | Bernanke recommended the BOJ coordinate its policy with fiscal measures aimed at shoring up Japan’s economic output to end over a decade of deflation.
Michael Krieger | Thanks for playin’ America.
Mac Slavo | How far would you go to eat?
RT | Brussels urgently needs a €150 billion bailout to begin a major recapitalization program for its banks, according to Deutsche Bank’s David Folkerts-Landau.
Zero Hedge | The cards have been tipped, and it appears Italy’s Prime Minister may have been right.