When Government Controls All Wealth
Bill Bonner | Sliding Into Absurdity.
Bill Bonner | Sliding Into Absurdity.
Zero Hedge | The Clinton Campaign has run 9,781 ads from June 15-27 at an estimated cost of $6 million, or nearly $500,000 a day.
London Telegraph | In the FTSE 100’s 1,696 week history, the blue chip index is on track for its 15th best week ever.
London Telegraph | In the FTSE 100’s 1,696 week history, the blue chip index is on track for its 15th best week ever.
DCWhispers | His name is Mike, and he worked his American job for 29 years until he was ordered to train his foreign worker replacements.
Zero Hedge | How did this happen so quietly under the table and without Merkel’s blessing?
London Independent | Richard Gnodde, the co-head of the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs said ‘every outcome is possible’
Mac Slavo | The crisis has reached a tipping point, and is about to unfold in a massive way.
Business Insider | Stocks across Europe are continuing to rally on Wednesday, as investors start to fully come to terms with Britain’s vote to leave the European Union late last week.
Washington Post | In the darkness the warehouse looks like any other, a metal-roofed hangar next to a clattering overpass, with homeless people sleeping nearby in the shadows.
Wall Street Journal | Shares in European and U.K. financial institutions make gains after two days of selloffs.
Michael Snyder | Over the last two trading days, European banks have lost 23 percent of their value.
Zero Hedge | On Friday afternoon, after the shocking Brexit referendum, while being interviewed by CNBC Alan Greenspan stunned his hosts when he said that things are about as bad as he has ever seen.
Vice | The US national security industry is planning for the impact of an unprecedented global food crisis lasting as long as a decade, according to reports by a government contractor.
Sky News | The pound has reached a 31-year low, falling by more than 3% on top of the 10% plunge seen after Thursday’s referendum.