German 10-year sovereign bond yields turn negative for first time
CNBC | Amid global growth concerns and jitters over the U.K.’s upcoming referendum on its European Union membership.
CNBC | Amid global growth concerns and jitters over the U.K.’s upcoming referendum on its European Union membership.
London Independent | Fears for Sterling and stocks were compounded on Tuesday when The Sun, the UK’s most read daily newspaper, pledged its support for the Leave campaign.
Michael Shedlock | Brexit logic is a curious thing.
Washington’s Blog | Lowest Interest Rate In 5,000 Years.
Zero Hedge | A quick read of the executive summary of this epic rant reveals just how shockingly bad relations between Germany’s biggest bank and the former Goldman partner have now become.
Washington Examiner | Likely to end 2016 with a record high $1 trillion in outstanding balances.
Wall St Journal | Billionaire investor sees opportunities to profit from various economic and political issues afflicting the world.
Washington Examiner | Obamacare is forcing hundreds of thousands of people into part-time work, according to a new analysis from the bank Goldman Sachs.
London Guardian | More millionaires in India and China push global private wealth to $168tn in 2015 with Asia-Pacific set to pass western Europe as second-richest region.
The Hill | Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen dodged a question Monday on whether the election of Donald Trump as president could destroy the global economy.
RT | Brace yourself for the weirdest taxes in the world.
London Independent | ‘If the British people voted to leave the EU that’s one thing. But can we really say that they voted for the devastation and destruction of the entire exporting sector of our economy?’ says one MP.
Zero Hedge | Out of the $209 million given to the senator’s campaign, about one out of every four dollars came from those not in the workforce, who include the unemployed or retired.
Louder With Crowder | Neo-socialist hipsters always point to places like Sweden and Denmark as examples of socialist successes.
Paul Craig Roberts | The unemployment rate is a useless measure of unemployment.