If Zero Interest Rates Fixed What’s Broken, We’d Be In Paradise
Charles Hugh-Smith | Rather than fix what’s broken with the real economy, ZIRP/NIRP has added problems that only collapse can solve.
Charles Hugh-Smith | Rather than fix what’s broken with the real economy, ZIRP/NIRP has added problems that only collapse can solve.
Zero Hedge | “[Central Banks] think they are smarter than the market,” exclaims billionaire investor Jim Rogers, “they are not!”
Brandon Smith | Normalcy bias is a rather horrifying thing. It is so frightening because it is so final; much like death, there is simply no coming back.
Mac Slavo | As panic gripped global financial markets and stocks collapsed after the new year, investors around the world began to shift capital to safe haven assets.
Michael Krieger | Laws are effective only to the extent they are enforced. A law on the books has little impact if prosecution is highly unlikely.
Zero Hedge | The first shot in the global war on cash was just fired, by none other than the ECB, which moments ago Handelsblatt reported…
RT | The world’s two biggest crude producers have agreed not to increase oil output, according to Qatar’s energy minister, quoted by Bloomberg.
Michael Snyder | If the global economy is in fine shape, then why does all of the hard data tell us that global trade is absolutely collapsing?
Louder With Crowder | Socialism is not a new concept in this country.
CNN | “We’re all going to pay a horrible price for the incompetence of these central bankers.”
Gateway Pundit | Senator Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and Cuba.
Michael Snyder | Did you know that there are more than 1.8 trillion dollars worth of junk bonds outstanding in the United States alone?
The Daily Bell | Blame it on the dollar!
Zero Hedge | In his final state-of-the-union address, President Obama famously accused anyone who dares to question the strength of the US economic “recovery” of “peddling fiction.”
Bloomberg | “We don’t want someone to be able to track digitally what we buy, eat and drink, what books we read and what movies we watch.”