Was there ever a time when so few people controlled so much wealth?
London Guardian | Two things are clear: radical new ways of getting rich have been invented, and things have probably never been this unequal since before the second world war.
London Guardian | Two things are clear: radical new ways of getting rich have been invented, and things have probably never been this unequal since before the second world war.
Mac Slavo | Skyrocketing costs and shrinking opportunity are meeting head on with full on economic disaster.
FT | A possible $4bn emergency loan package.
Daily Caller | “My siblings and I had the privilege of expecting we would attend private colleges.”
Lew Rockwell Blog | The Federal Reserve Board meets today to decide their next brilliant move to save the US economy.
CNS News | The debt of the federal government increased by $8,314,529,850,339.07 in President Barack Obama’s first seven years in office.
Market Watch | Soros is a man intimately familiar with currency crises.
Brandon Smith | What is collapse? How do we define it?
Michael Krieger | It appears the music may have finally stopped for one of the world’s largest luxury real estate bubbles: London.
Business Insider | French taxi unions are staging a nationwide protest against Uber and the French government in Paris, according to local media and posts on social media.
Michael Snyder | The economic damage done by winter storm Jonas looks like it is going to be much higher than many had originally anticipated.
Business Insider | After a rally Friday, oil is tanking again Monday morning.
New American | The super-secret corporation’s control over the country’s supply of currency will continue without oversight.
USA Today | Dimon paid $1.5 million salary, then over $25 million in bonuses and grants.
USA Today | “It’s just like a ghost town again,” bar owner says.