Trump Predicts U.S. Economic ‘Bubble’ Could Soon Burst
Bloomberg | “It’s not going to be a pretty picture.”
Bloomberg | “It’s not going to be a pretty picture.”
Peter Schiff | The image of W on the flight deck comes to mind in much of the reaction to this week’s decision by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade.
Charles Hugh-Smith | The Fed’s hubris has led it to the Dark Side.
Zero Hedge | So tune in tomorrow when, if the JPM “Gandalf” is right again, things are about to get very exciting.
Paul Craig Roberts | It means that the Fed has had time to figure out that the effect of the small “rate hike” would essentially be zero.
Prison | Financial analyst Harry Dent explains the current economic crisis.
Paul Rowady | A hot date at the Fed.
London Independent | A single bottle of Vitality Air’s premium oxygen costs nearly $28 (£18.50)
Michael Krieger | As much as I dislike all the leading candidates for President of these United States, there’s no one on the Republican side who disgusts me more than Marco Rubio.
Business Insider | A new research report out today from Goldman Sachs expects even higher returns for the new “Star Wars” than before.
Mac Slavo | Back in September Zero Hedge reported that something snapped in the COMEX market and all indicators suggest there was a relentless outflow in registered gold.
Lew Rockwell Blog | I do not regard homeownership rates as a proxy measure of economic prosperity.
Zero Hedge | So much about the past, now what about the future…
Zero Hedge | So much about the past, now what about the future…
Bloomberg | The mountain of debt, for which taxpayers are on the hook, has provided a stream of revenue to companies at every stage of the process.