Budget buster: Senate passes debt and spending hike in dead of night
The Washington Times | 144-page bill amounts to $558 million in new spending per page.
The Washington Times | 144-page bill amounts to $558 million in new spending per page.
Daily Caller | Paul’s maneuver was short-lived.
Michael Krieger | “The CEOs’ extraordinary nest eggs are not the result of extraordinary performance.”
Charles Hugh-Smith | We live in an era of illusion: the illusion of understanding, and the illusion of control.
Zero Hedge | Currently half of young adults live in their parents home.
Martin Armstrong | Barcelona plans to release its own currency in the coming spring.
Michael Snyder | Would you pay $400,000 for a single helmet? Of course you wouldn’t – but that is precisely what the U.S. government is doing.
Mac Slavo | The slow motion financial holocaust has been underway for some time now.
Liberty Blitzkrieg | Former head of the NSA, Keith Alexander, has been a busy guy since he left government.
Daily Caller | Fifty-one percent of working Americans make less than $30,000 a year, new data from the Social Security Administration (SSA) shows.
Mac Slavo | It should be obvious they know something significant is on the horizon.
The Daily Sheeple | The winds of change are blowing like a hurricane and the coming economic devastation will be unprecedented in human history.
Zero Hedge | “We are not big fans of Wall Street and we don’t trust them.”
Mac Slavo | As stock markets sky rocketed to new highs one particular asset remained off the radar of most investors.
Zero Hedge | Bernanke is essentially saying that low interest rates had nothing to do with the housing bubble.