“Liars Loans” are Back…but with a Twist
Michael Krieger | Most of you will be intimately familiar with the roll “liars loans” played in last decade’s financial crisis.
Michael Krieger | Most of you will be intimately familiar with the roll “liars loans” played in last decade’s financial crisis.
Gallup | Greeks’ doubts about the euro reflect the effects of austerity measures over the past five years.
Zero Hedge | Don’t forget to thank your micromanaging, centrally-planning government.
Joshua Krause | When Colorado decided to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, everyone expected the state’s tax revenue to increase.
Zero Hedge | Five years of austerity, higher taxes, deep cuts in public spending, record suicide rates, and homelessness beyond anyone’s worst forecasts.
Zero Hedge | It all started peacefully…
Sputnik News | The blooming economic partnership between Russia and China is bringing to life one of the US worst nightmares of the century.
Michael Krieger | If there was ever a “let them eat cake” moment in modern American history, this is it.
Joshua Krause | Like many American cities, New York and Washington DC have experienced explosive housing prices since the crash of 2007.
Chartles Hugh-Smith | The risk-off tide is rising, and sand castles of QE will only hold the tide back for a brief period of apparent calm.
Life News | Today, the Obama administration sent $1 million total to Planned Parenthood abortion businesses in three states.
Oil Price | Oil prices have posted their strongest rally in years, jumping an astounding 27 percent in the last three trading days of August.
Sputnik | Foreign countries are withdrawing their gold reserves from world’s largest gold depository.
Joshua Krause | If you’ve been paying attention to the economy for the past seven years or so, you’ve probably been wondering when the whole charade is going to come crashing down.
Martin Armstrong | The FT ran a commentary entitled, “The case for retiring another ‘barbarous relic’” on paper money.