Minimum-wage offensive could speed arrival of robot-powered restaurants
Washington Post | Crowded. That’s how Ed Rensi remembers what life was like working at McDonald’s back in 1966.
Washington Post | Crowded. That’s how Ed Rensi remembers what life was like working at McDonald’s back in 1966.
RT | US President Barack Obama has given an extraordinary ultimatum to the Republican-controlled Congress.
New American | Greece’s third bailout in five years appears to be a done deal.
Zero Hedge | “The Greek debt crisis isn’t THE crisis. Rather it is simply a symptom of a much larger global debt crisis.”
Peter Schiff | China’s recent move to devalue the yuan has sent shock waves through the global financial markets.
Zero Hedge | Even the most brainwashed Keynesians should be able to figure out what is going on by now.
New American | In simple terms, thanks to the progressives running the city council, Seattle restaurant workers are suffering their own recession.
Joshua Krause | Does this sound like an economic recovery to you?
F. William Engdahl | The worth of gold in the world is growing by the day.
London Telegraph | China has nothing to gain from triggering a deflation shock. Its economy is recovering as stimulus builds, creating 1.2m jobs a month.
CNS News | $18,112,975,000,000 is about $25 million below the current legal debt limit of $18,113,000,080,959.35.
Joshua Krause | Earlier his week, China made the decision to devalue their currency in the hopes of increasing exports, and improving their ailing economy.
Ron Paul | China’s surprise currency devaluation yesterday has fueled the ongoing currency wars. Escalation is on the way. Who wins? Who loses?
Mac Slavo | For the last several months there have been warnings of a coming economic storm, with many forecasting serious financial calamity by the Fall of this year.
Paul Craig Roberts | Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations.