‘French environment and energy minister Segolene Royal has asked garden centers to stop self-service sales of Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer to fight the harmful effects of pesticide. “France must be offensive on stopping pesticides,” Segolene […]

‘Although there aren’t any genetically modified oats on the marketplace today, that doesn’t mean we should run to stores with open arms, thankful that we’re eating healthy foods. The truth is, products containing oats are […]

‘Swiss supermarket giants Coop and Migros have announced that they will no longer sell products that contain glyphosate, following the World Health Organization’s report stating that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. They have also […]

‘Did the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency run cover for biotech behemoth Monsanto for years to hide the cancer-causing properties of one of the agri-giant’s most profitable chemicals? Absolutely, asserts Dr. Anthony Samsel, a research scientist […]

‘In response to a recent International Agency for Research on Cancer report, which found that the Monsanto herbicide glyphosate “probably” causes cancer in humans, a cohort of international doctors is now petitioning the European Union […]

‘Monsanto may be expanding its operations in the United States, but elsewhere, lawmakers, scientists, activists and ordinary citizens are increasingly questioning (and in many cases banning) the introduction of GM crops, along with the use […]