‘Obama hosts British Prime Minister David Cameron at the White House today. Focusing on mutual issues. Ongoing wars. Escalation plans. Choosing new targeted countries. Stepped up cyber and other forms of surveillance. New police state […]

‘David Cameron and Barack Obama today detailed fresh measures to combat Islamist extremism at home and abroad as they declared their joint determination to confront violent extremism. Following talks at the White House, the leaders […]

‘The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, wants President Obama to pressure social media to cooperate with GCHQ, the British intelligence service that works closely with the NSA in the United States to surveil the internet […]

‘A Tuesday meeting between President Obama and top lawmakers, including the Republican leadership who now control both chambers of Congress, was used to discuss plans for passing a war authorization bill that would give congressional […]

Could it really get any more convenient than this? ‘The top story today everywhere is that ISIS hackers attacked U.S. Central Command and posted sensitive info on the agency’s official Twitter page. Via The Washington […]