Washington’s Thug, Lenin Moreno, Has Turned Ecuador Into a Police State
The post Washington’s Thug, Lenin Moreno, Has Turned Ecuador Into a Police State appeared first on Pa…

Why the US Military Can’t Fight This article explains that the way to become a general is to spend your military life sucking up to the higher ups. Medal of Honor winners generate envy, and this ends their career. Corporate rise also depends on sucking up. Consequently, we are deprived of both military and corporate…

The post Why the US Military Can’t Fight appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.

Why the US Military Can’t Fight This article explains that the way to become a general is to spend your military life sucking up to the higher ups. Medal of Honor winners generate envy, and this ends their career. Corporate rise also depends on sucking up. Consequently, we are deprived of both military and corporate…

The post Why the US Military Can’t Fight appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.

The US & Its Vassals Have Thrown the Ukraine and Themselves Into the Trash Bin of History 
 Dmitry Orlov explains the situation in the Ukraine and the likely fate of this destroyed land. The truth about the Ukraine is totally different from anything you will have heard from Western media and US and European…

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It Is Not Only Notre Dame Burning, It Is All Of Western Civilization 12 Catholic churches have been desecrated across France over the period of one week in an egregious case of anti-Christian vandalism. Macron, the president of Multicultural France, says “its not the time for politics.” Imagine if Notre Dame were a synagogue or…

The post It Is Not Only Notre Dame Burning, It Is All Of Western Civilization appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org.

As Has Been Obvious from the Beginning, the CIA Deep State Is Behind Russiagate
“Will Junta-Mastermind John Brennan Ever Face the Music?”
By Mike Whitney
The post As Has Been Obvious from the Beginnin…

Outspoken Ecuadorian ex-president Rafael Correa’s Facebook page blocked
The post Outspoken Ecuadorian ex-president Rafael Correa’s Facebook page blocked appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts….