The Israel Lobby Not Only Controls the Western Press but Also Controls Al Jazeera and the Arab Press David Ochs describes how his organization purchases the US Congress and how the Israel Lobby controls the Arab news service, Al Jazeera. Ochs went on to describe a fundraiser hosted by Jeff Talpins, a hedge fund…

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What Trump Is Trying To Save Americans From Nurse in Germany Sends Message that Describes The Camp of the Saints as the Present-day Situation in Germany
 In Europe truthful information about the Islamic immigrants forced on Europe by the EU, Merkel and George Soros is considered a hate crime and is forbidden. Marine Le Pen,…

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Michael Hudson Interviewed by The Saker On Washington’s Plan to Steal Venezuela’s Oil “By imposing sanctions that prevent Venezuela from gaining access to its U.S. bank deposits and the assets of its state-owned Citco, the United States is making it impossible for Venezuela to pay its foreign debt. This is forcing it into default, which…

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Two Minutes To Midnight Many youngsters think that nuclear war is impossible because it is irrational. In fact, nuclear war is very possible and, indeed, likely. In our present time Washington has recklessly heightened tensions with Russia and China, and reaction times are so short that they permit no time for clarification or reflection. Launched…

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Published: February 5, 2019
Centuries ago if you criticized an aristocrat you could have your tongue cut out. The New Aristocrats are the transgendered and preferred …

In the West Immorality Has Displaced Morality My Lai events ( ), once a horror story, are now the common practice of British, Israeli, and American soldiers. And also by US police. The guarantee of protection against war crimes given to British soldiers is the same as is given to murderous American police: “Just…

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