Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray Explains Venezuela In Venezuela a Washington stooge, Juan Guaidó, who has never been a candidate in any election for president has declared himself president of Venezuela and has sworn himself in with the support of the US government and the CIA controlled countries of Latin America. So far the Venezuelan…

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Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray Explains Venezuela In Venezuela a Washington stooge, Juan Guaidó, who has never been a candidate in any election for president has declared himself president of Venezuela and has sworn himself in with the support of the US government and the CIA controlled countries of Latin America. So far the Venezuelan…

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Texans Grovel At Israel’s Feet When It Comes to the US Constitution vs. Israel, US State & Federal Politicians Line Up With Israel Against the US Constitution Paul Craig Roberts Even the “tough” Marlborough-smoking Texans Are Nothing but Groveling Pissants at Israel’s Feet The Corrupt Government of Texas, bought and paid-off by Israel, fires state…

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Washington Only Investigates Fake Crimes Created By Fake News Christopher Steele of the “Steele Dossier,” the backbone of the presstitutes’ multi-year fake news “Russiagate” story, says in court that he was hired by a Democratic law firm working for Hillary Clinton. It is impossible that Mueller did not know from the beginning that the entire…

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Putin’s Meekness Endangers Russian Citizens and Is Leading to War Stephen Lendman argues that the Russian government’s appeasement of Israel and the West is counterproductive and is leading to war. Lendman asks why, despite voluminous evidence to the contrary, the Russian government thinks its acceptance of Israeli and Western aggression will reassure Russia’s enemies and…

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Ron Unz Explains What China Should Do “Adelson’s fortune of $33 billion ranks him as the 15th wealthiest man in America, and the bulk of his fortune is based on his ownership of extremely lucrative gambling casinos in Macau, China. In effect, the Chinese government currently has its hands around the financial windpipe of the…

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The Camp of the Saints Jean Raspail’s novel is unfolding before our eyes. The Russians and Chinese do not need to do anything about Europe and the US. The West is self-destructing at a rapid pace. FRENCH GENERALS ACCUSE MACRON OF “TREASON” OVER UN MIGRATION PACT Open letter says French citizens have another reason to…

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“I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried”: Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators by Tyler Durden The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was “meeting an old professional acquaintance,” admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling…

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9/11: The Evidence On  April 10, 2018 the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry submitted a legal petition to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for a Grand Jury to examine the evidence for the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. The 52-page petition, accompanied by 57 exhibits…

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Lend Your Support to Truth by Supporting A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost “The largest promulgators of conspiracy theories are not Infowars or RT, but mainstream media and the US State Department.” — Caitlin Johnstone I would add the military/security complex and the Israel Lobby. “The ability to control the stories people…

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