Stating the Fact that Men Are Not Women Gets Feminist Banned from Twitter
Have you ever wondered how a handful of people got power over what we can say?…

Europe Understood That Lincoln Did Not Fight A War To End Slavery But For Empire
The post Europe Understood That Lincoln Did Not Fight A War To End Slavery But For Empire appeared…

Goodbye White People Perhaps Andy Duncan can explain why Israel builds walls to keep Palestinians out of Palestine, and why Washington, the presstitutes, and the liberal/progressive/left build walls of sanctions against Russia, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, and Venezuela. Instead, Duncan attacks JRR Tolkien for “racism” in his portrayal of good vs. evil in his fantasy…

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Virginia Hefferman—The Empire’s Whore—and Naveed Jamali—The Scum of the Earth The First Amendment Is About To Be Deep-sixed While Democrats, Republicans and Media Cheer “Reporters who bash Julian Assange while he is silenced instead of using their platforms to draw attention to the many, many wicked deeds that are being perpetrated by the powerful in…

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If the United States Can Arrest Julian Assange, Why Can’t Russia Arrest These Real Traitors?
The post If the United States…

Identity Politics Has Destroyed The West By Dividing Genders and Races Into Hostile Camps In the West today free speech no longer exists. Even in the universities you can only say what Identity Politics wants to hear. Everything else is censored. The press can only tell the lies that serve the elite agendas. Science itself…

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Political Correctitude takes another stride forward The Guardian November 14, 2018 Financial Times tool warns if articles quote too many men Paper develops bot in attempt to force writers to look to include more expert women in pieces The Financial Times is automatically warning its journalists if their articles quote too many men, in an…

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Nothing In Any Conspiracy Theory Is As Bad As What’s Being Done Out In The Open by Caitlin Johnstone Yesterday President Trump posted a statement on the White House website saying his administration will be standing with the House of Saud despite the CIA’s assertion that Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman personally ordered the murder of…

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Washington Is Determined to Have Vengence on Assange and Also on the Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa Who Gave Assange Asylum Lenin Moreno, the current president, is Washington’s man. He is misusing his office to deconstruct democracy and the rule of law in Ecuador and to file false charges against Correa and members of his government.…

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