US Security Agencies Compromised By Political Corruption Don’t Look for Integrity at the FBI or Justice Department Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?   By Patrick J. Buchanan     The original question the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign was to answer was a simple one: Did he do it?   Did…

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Diana Johnstone explains that President Trump can be excused from being prosecuted as a Russian agent if he will give up his intention of normalizing relations with the necessary enemy of the US military/security complex and join in the orchestrated demonization of Russia. Washington Trembles The Charge of the Invisible Army of Kremlin Trolls By…

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Stephen Lendman Explains that even US Vassals Gave Trump the Finger on Jerusalem
The post Stephen Lendman Explains that even US Vassals Gave Trump the Finger on Jerusalem appeared first …

Roger Stone Explains That Under Mueller and Comey the FBI Became a Criminal Organization
The post Roger Stone Explains That Under Mueller and Comey …

Washington Post Comes Out for War and More War Bezos’ war sheet says Social Security, Medicare, and social safety net are in the way of Washington’s much more important need to make war. Too much money is spent on poor American citizens. Not enough is spent on killing foreigners in other countries. Bezos wants to…

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The Elite Are Doing Their All To Ensure Americans Only Have Fake News Dear friends, thank you for your support of your website. You can see what we are up against. The oligarchy intends to control all explanations and, thereby, our understanding of events. The elite who rule have no respect for the Constitution or…

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Is North Korea Really A Dictatorship? Writing in , Costantino Ceoldo provides insights into the nature of the North Korean government and explains Washington’s responsibility for North Korea’s determination to possess nuclear weapons. Washington has kept a state of war with North Korea open for 64 years and continues to overthrow governments that have…

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Is Putin so anxious to show that Russia is not an occupying power that he is again premature in withdrawal from Syria?
The post Is Putin so anxious to show that Russia is not an occupying powe…

CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For the DNC and Military/Security Complex Glenn Greenwald, one of the few real journalists that still exist in the West, none of whom work for CNN or any of the US or European media, has given us the story of the latest mass lie told to the world by CNN.…

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In the US Police Are A Greater Threat To People Than Are Criminals
The Police seem to comprise “Murder at Will” and are immune to accountability.…