JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters Review of James Douglass’ Book By Edward Curtin Global Research, October 31, 2017 https://www.globalresearch.ca/jfk-and-the-unspeakable-why-he-died-and-why-it-matters/16273 This article was first published by Global research in November 2009. Despite a treasure-trove of new information having emerged over the last forty-six years, there are many people who still…

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Ray McGovern Explains What Happens to a President Who Goes Against the CIA
The post Ray McGovern Explains What Happens to a President Who Goes Against the CIA appeared firs…

A Case of Judicial Murder? John Remington Graham   I have been asked many times why I have intervened in the federal prosecution of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the young man who was convicted and sentenced to death in the Boston  Marathon bombing case where two brothers, on April 15, 2013, allegedly detonated pressure cooker bombs on…

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The Harmful Effects of Antifa Diana Johnstone An historic opportunity is being missed. The disastrous 2016 presidential election could and should have been a wakeup call. A corrupt political system that gave voters a choice between two terrible candidates is not democracy. This should have been the signal to face reality. The U.S. political system…

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The Harmful Effects of Antifa Diana Johnstone An historic opportunity is being missed. The disastrous 2016 presidential election could and should have been a wakeup call. A corrupt political system that gave voters a choice between two terrible candidates is not democracy. This should have been the signal to face reality. The U.S. political system…

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For The First Time In 26 Years, US To Put Nuclear Bombers On 24 Hour Alert
The post For The First Time In 26 Years, US To Put Nuclear Bombers On 24 Hour …

Texas City Tells People No Hurricane Harvey Aid Unless They Promise Not to Boycott Israel American Civil Liberties Union The city of Dickinson, Texas, is requiring applicants for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding funds to certify in writing that they will not take part in a boycott of Israel. The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the city’s…

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Texas City Tells People No Hurricane Harvey Aid Unless They Promise Not to Boycott Israel American Civil Liberties Union The city of Dickinson, Texas, is requiring applicants for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding funds to certify in writing that they will not take part in a boycott of Israel. The American Civil Liberties Union criticized the city’s…

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Putin Speaks In this collection of videos you can witness a real leader, the likes of which does not exist anywhere in the Western world, who speaks truth to Washington’s lies. For the humor of it, begin with this one in which Putin destroys Megyn Kelly before a large international audience. Megyn, armed with nothing…

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Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp? Remarks by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said 92% of Syrian territory was freed from (US-supported) ISIS control. In the past week alone, Russian airpower conducted 517 sorties,…

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Is Washington Trying To Starve 60,000 Syrians Washington Has Trapped In A Refugee Camp? Remarks by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said 92% of Syrian territory was freed from (US-supported) ISIS control. In the past week alone, Russian airpower conducted 517 sorties,…

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A reader sent this humor: I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on EBAY any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off my front window. I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch. I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard.…

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