Guest Column by Eric Zuesse The Money-Quote from the Postol Report on the recent Gas Attack in Syria Eric Zuesse After detailed decimation of President Trump’s ‘intelligence’ ‘justifying’ his invasion of Syria, the MIT specialist on such intelligence-analysis, Dr. Theodore Postol, concludes: “I have worked with the intelligence community in the past, and I have…

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I recommend The Saker’s analysis to you. The leadership of the world now rests in Putin’s hands. The Chinese need to step up and contribute to this leadership.

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White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor

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The United States Stands Before The World As A Criminal Nation Washington has murdered entire countries in whole or part: Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, parts of Syria and Pakistan. Millions of Muslim peoples have been killed, maimed, orphaned, and dislocated. The dispossessed and dislocated are filling up the American Empire that destroyed their lives.…

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Trump In Freefall Collapse Glenn Greenwald explains the hypocrisy of the US political class and the removal of constitutional restraint on the power of the presidency. What he misses, perhaps, is the power of the Deep State. It required less than 100 days for Deep State propaganda to completely reverse President Trump’s announced policy of…

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The Russian government declared that the US military presence in Syria is illegal and that the strikes, verified by the US government, constitute an act of aggression and breach all international conventions and laws.…

When Will Washington’s Time Come To Be Hit With Air Strikes For All The People Washington Kills? The most murderous regime on Earth is Washington, D.C. If what goes around comes around, Washington’s time to be invaded and hit with air strikes is already scheduled. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving people, including the…

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More Fake News? This afternoon NPR showcased a propagandist from BuzzFeed who denounced the Syrian government for using chemical weapons against innocents in the Idlib province. Somehow the BuzzFeed person knew for cetain that the reported event had occurred. I wondered how he could know that, and I wondered what purpose such an attack would…

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Jewish Defense League Operatives Arrested for Brutal Assault on American Professor in “freedom and democracy” Washington, D.C. According to the US Government, the Jewish Defense League is defined as a terrorist organization. At the recent AIPAC meeting in Washington, where Congress and the executive branch run to be first to kiss Israel’s ass, the Jewish…

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Ukraine Annexed Crimea in the 1990s Something else “our” government and its media whores did not tell us is that under the Crimean Constitution of 1992, Crimea existed as a legal, democratic, secular state. Crimea’s relationship with Ukraine was based on bilateral agreements. In 1995 Ukrainian special ops forces and Ukrainian Army troops invaded Crimea…

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A View We Don’t Often Hear Little wonder some of you prefer the Koch brothers propaganda. No global warming is a much happier story. I like it better myself. From a reader: Hi Paul, Right you are. The Arctic sea ice is steadily diminishing, the temperature of the Arctic seas is steadily rising. and if…

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Russia Continues to Allow Washington to Finance Protests in Moscow and Other Russian Cities
The post Russia Continues to Allow Washington to Finance Protests in Moscow and Other Russian C…