Putin Politely Expresses His Amazement At Western Stupidity In an interview with John Micklethwait of BloombergBusinessweek, Putin was asked about Russia’s desire to expand its influence geographically. Putin answered as follows: “I think all sober-minded people who really are involved in politics understand that the idea of a Russian threat to, for example, the Baltics…

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The Neoconservatives Who Gave Us 9/11 Gave Us The American Police State Constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead who runs the Rutherford institute defends the unjustly accused, and he provides commentary on Americans’ loss of the civil liberty protections that resided in the US Constitution. In the article below Whitehead explain how 9/11 was used to…

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Washington Escalates Punishent Of Truth-Tellers Former British Ambassador Craig Murray, a truth-teller, has been banned from entering the United States of America. Washington is so afraid of truth that the most honorable man in Great Britain cannot be allowed into the USA. Amb. Murray exposed the torture regime that the US and UK were running…

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Conspiracy Theories Are True Ron Unz, one of America’s most precious and rare assets—a public intellectual—describes how he came to believe true accounts mislabeled “conspiracy theory” in his in-depth review of Lance deHaven-Smith’s book, about which I recently reported. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/08/31/are-you-a-mind-controlled-cia-stooge-paul-craig-roberts/ I described how the CIA flummoxed insouciant Americans. Ron Unz gives you the intellectual history…

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Elect Hillary and she will take America to war with Russia—which means also China—and Iran. And the presstitutes aren’t the least bit interested. http://russia-insider.com/en/hillary-threatens-russia-war-neocon-media-doesnt-even-notice-video/ri16251

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The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented by the CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief of Official Government Stories Ron Unz reports on the cold shoulder given to an extensively researched book that concludes that World War II hero General George Patton was murdered by the CIA because he became a powerful critic of Washington. http://www.unz.com/runz/was-general-patton-assassinated/…

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The Democrats Have Chosen A First Class Crook As Their Presidential Candidate The Presstitutes tell us that the best choice for President of the United States is a partner in a crime syndicate that parleyed favors while in office into a $1.6 billion private foundation and a $120 million private fortune. So far have we…

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Palestine, a Stolen and Oppressed Land Back in 1956, David Ben-Gurion, possibly struggling with his conscience, confessed: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural, we have taken their country. Sure God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not…

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Pentagon Has Lost $6.5 Trillion In the George W. Bush regime Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld said that the Pentagon could not acount for $2.3 trillion dollars. According to news reports, auditors searching the records were housed in the part of the Pentagon that suffered the 9/11 damage. $2.3 trillion is an enormous sum, but now…

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Prominent Former US Ambassador Takes Republican ‘Dump Trump’ Movement to Task http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ambassador-faith-whittlesey/regarding-the-letter-in-t_b_11534886.html

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Canada Has Followed America Into The Integrity Void The Canadian government is as corrupt as the American one. Canadian Supreme Court Justice rules that Canada manufactured a “terror plot” in order to create an event with which to scare Canadians into accepting a police state. http://www.globalresearch.ca/canadian-police-manufactured-terror-plot-to-ensnare-couple/5540465

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