Hats Off To Ron Utz & Sydney Schanberg For Clarifying the American POW Issue Of The Vietnam War Once again it was not Ronald Reagan but a hardened left-winger who covered up for Washington just as today the left protects Washington from its 9/11 crime http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-relying-upon-maoist-professors-of-cultural-studies/

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Washington’s Attempted Murder Of Syria US Senator Richard Black describes Obama’s attempt to murder Syria as “extremely reckless, an insane policy.” The straight-speaking Senator said: “We have never done anything more loathsome or despicable than what we’re doing in Syria.” http://www.fort-russ.com/2016/07/us-senator-we-have-never-done-anything.html Progressive Stephen Lendman denounces Obama’s plans “for forcibly ousting Assad, destroying Syria’s sovereignty, partitioning…

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Long Time Progressive Stephen Lendman Blows The Whistle On Bernie Sanders Who Is Part Of Hillary’s Cover Sanders Defects to Clinton Camp, Endorses Pure Evil, Betrays Loyal Supporters by Stephen Lendman Sanders is part of the problem, not the solution, a longtime self-serving con man, betraying his supporters for 30 years. I predicted defection to…

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There Is No Excuse For The American Police If unaccountalbe police brutality continues, will American citizens come to the conclusion that cops are criminal thugs of great danger to the public and must be shot down on sight before they murder again? The goon thugs have done a good job of proving that Amerians would…

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Guest Column By Vladimir Putin Putin tells Western Journalists That Their Lies Lead Directly To WW III http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45055.htm Putin is mistaken in his apparent belief that Western journalists are independent agents who could choose not to lie for Washington. As Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the German main daily newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, made…

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FBI Recommends “NO CHARGES” Against Hillary — Surprise, Surprise! In a surprising statement which concluded moments ago, FBI director James Comey announced that Federal officials have decided not to pursue federal charges against Hillary Clinton for her private email setup, an announcement that will send a shockwave throughout national politics. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-05/fbi-recommends-no-charges-against-hillary-clinton

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Israeli Press Confirms: Britain Has Been Operating As An Israeli Agent Within The EU
Guest Column by Gilad Atzmon
The post Israeli Press Confirms: Britain Has Been Operating As An Israeli Agen…