Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants The Obama Regime forced the EU to accept millions of refugees from Washington’s failed wars in the Middle East and Africa. Now the Obama Regime is forcing the EU to accept millions of refugees from its failed policy in Ukraine. Europe as we…

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Syrian Election Result Puts The Lie To Washington’s Claim That Syrians Desire Regime Change http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44505.htm In the USA the Democratic Party Rigs New York Primary for Hilary Win https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160419/clinton-hill/confusion-affidavits-frustrate-some-voters-at-polls http://gothamist.com/2016/04/18/voter_registration_lawsuit.php https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160419/civic-center/stringer-plans-audit-board-of-elections-over-chaotic-primary-day http://nypost.com/2016/04/19/54000-brooklyn-voters-vanish-ahead-of-primary-day/ It appears that the One Percent have corrupted every American institution.

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Texas and New York Struggle to Overcome False Convictions Engineered by Corrupt Prosecutors
The post Texas a…

This is the “Freedom and Democracy” that the Criminal George W. Bush Regime brought to Iraq http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-war-crimes-in-iraq-fallujah-residents-starving-murdered-besieged-by-us-backed-government-forces-and-isis/5519354

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Paul Krugman Is Proof That To Be Successful Even As An “Objective” Academic You Must Serve The One Percent Edited Transcript of A Real News Network Interview With Michael Hudson and Bill Black JAISAL NOOR: Welcome to the Real News Network. I’m Jaisal Noor in Baltimore.  It’s been a tough week for Senator Bernie Sanders…

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Greed & Power, Inc. Capitalism is Greed, and capitalism is Power. Today rather than governments controlling corporations, corporations control governments. Consequently, instead of being taxed by governments to support the societies in which capitalism does business, capitalism taxes the societies, which is what Oxfam shows in the bar chart: http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-corporate-tax-cheats-hiding-1-4-trillion-in-profits-in-offshore-accounts/5520326

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The American Media Is A CIA Front I reported honestly the facts of the US coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government in 2014 (see my columns in February and March 2014). However, the US print and TV media, led by the New York Times, lied through their teeth. Indeed, the “mainstream” US media functioned…

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Washington’s Two-Bit Punk Ukrainian Puppet Prime Minister Resigns Arseny Yatsenyuk, put into office by the neocon criminal Victoria Nuland has resigned. What new puppet will the Washington criminals stick in ofice to enable the completion of the looting of Ukraine? https://www.rt.com/news/339119-ukraine-pm-yatsenyuk-resigns/

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US among world leaders in death penalty, surpassed only by Saudi, Iran & Pakistan – Amnesty Americans Seem To Love Killing As Long As Government Does It Actually the US is far ahead of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan. The US has spent the entire 21st century killing huge numbers of people in seven or…

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