The US Government Cannot Stop Telling Lies The US Department of Justice (sic) is the worst threat to American Liberty. The DOJ will not be happy until the department has shredded every line of the US Constitution and burned the shredded pieces. The DOJ which falsely claims it is safeguarding our liberty has approved illegal…

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Fukushima Meltdown Continues To Radiate The World Wiping Out Species And Raising Cancer Rates Remember, they tell us that nuclear power is safe. Even some environmentalists have fallen for the story that nuclear energy is green. If one nuclear power plant can do such damage, image what the result would be from nuclear war. The…

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Does a JFK, RFK, MLK Moment Await Trump? Guest Column by Stephen Lendman Bipartisan gangsters running America let nothing interfere with their ruthless agenda, waging war on humanity at home and abroad, serving monied interests exclusively. Trump won’t change longstanding policies if elected president. Yet Republican power brokers and media scoundrels want anyone but…

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Roger Waters on Why More Artists Don’t Speak Out Against Israel: They’re Terrified

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Will it be Trump or Goldman Sachs? Snowden: US Presidential Campaign a Choice Between Trump and Goldman Sachs by Stephen Lendman It’s largely a choice of style, not substance, dirty business as usual continuing no matter who succeeds Obama. Still, Snowden has a point.  Hillary Clinton, like husband Bill, got super-rich through speechmaking, lucrative book…

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More Sandy Hook Unanswered Puzzles I do not know what to make of these: Sandy Hook dress rehersal: Here is a video showing that Sandy Hook school victim Noah Pozner was killed a second time in an attack on a Pakistani school: Here is the evidence hearing for the Freedom of Information request…

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Western Peoples Are Being Re-Enserfed Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, free farmers were defenceless in the face of Viking, Magyar, and Saracen raiders. The need for protection led to the enserfment of free people who accepted the suzerainty of those able to provide walled defenses and armed fighters to ward off attacks.…

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