America’s Barbaric Justice (sic) System America’s prisons are a horror. Many are torture chambers. Others are set up to exploit prisoner labor. Prisoners are defenceless and are raped and abused by goon thug guards. Hardly anyone in prison was convicted by a jury. The tiny percentage of those who had trials (about 3%) had rigged…

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One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Important Interview With Julian Assange
Assange explains how Washington coerces the world and keeps its citizens under a blanket of deception and…

  In light of the fact that the conflict in Syria was intentionally caused by Washington, can the Russian government trust that Washington will abide by this agreement? Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address following adoption of a joint statement by Russia and US on Syria. The President made a special address following the adoption of a joint statement by the Russian Federation and the United States of America, as co-chairs of …

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Syrian President Bashar Assad considers Russia’s Vladimir Putin as the “only defender of Christian civilization one can trust.” “When I look at the present state of things in the world I realize that Vladimir Putin is the sole defender of Christian civilization one can rely on,” Assad said in an interview with French magazine Valeurs Actuelles. The Syrian leader also said…

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Why Was Professor James F. Tracy Fired? If the official line on the Sandy Hook school shooting is correct, why would a tenured university professor be fired for examining the official story? When people have to be fired for looking into things, it means what is being looked into cannot stand the light of day.…

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The Under-Reporting of Fukushima We are assured that “nuclear power is safe,” and some environmentalists classify nuclear power as green. Fukushima is a massive problem for these spurious claims. Consider also that in the event of nuclear war, which would knock out power, each nuclear power plant would be converted into a nuclear bomb…

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An Innocent Man Kept In Solidary Confinement For 43 Years Finally Released By Judicial Ruling The story of Albert Woodfox proves beyond all doubt that the American criminal justice system (sic) is totally devoid of all justice, all integrity, and all humanity. Judge James Dennis of the Federal Fifth Circuit Appeals Court stated: “For the…

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By Scalia’s “great service to the nation” they mean Scalia’s service to corrupt corporations

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Three New Postings: Propaganda Works — Gallup Poll Finds Americans Prefer Terrorists To Iran One Must Be Blind Not To Realise That Russia Is Defending Europe In Syria Corporations Make Profits By Imposing Their Costs On Others

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Sanctions Can Be Applied to Russia but It Is Illegal to apply Sanctions to Israel In 2007 two distinguished scholars, John J. Mearsheimer and Stehen M. Walt, published a book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. The book made a convincing but understated case that the tiny country of Israel, which consists of land…

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Assad of Syria Tells the Truth that Washington and Its Presstitutes Will Not Tell
The post Assad of Syria Tells the Truth that Washington and Its Presstitutes Will Not…

The Western World has passed away. It is no more. The Russians ask this question: Where were the German men while their women were raped by refugees? The same question can be asked of Americans. Last year at “spring break” in Panama City Beach a white girl was raped on the beach by several blacks…

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