Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer
The manufacturer of one of the weapons used in the alleged ISIS Paris attack reports that the weapon was sold by the factory to a US arms dealer. The American arms dealer has c…

US Military/Security Complex Drives World To War Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, explains that US foreign policy is driven by the desire for war profits. Vast numbers of peope die and debts multiply for no other reason except the profits of a few armaments manufacturers. Washington and its…

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You Want War With Russia? In this article, Pepe Escobar spells out the across-the-board military superiority of Russia over the combined forces of the West: http://www.opednews.com/articles/You-Want-War-Russia-is-Re-by-Pepe-Escobar-NATO_Putin_Russia-And-Turkey_Russia-And-Us-Conflict-151216-994.html The reckless arrogance of the American neoconservaives has blinded the White House Fool and the dumbshits that sit in the House and Senate to the disastrous consequences for the…

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Has Kerry Gained An Upper Hand Over Neocon Nuland? Eric Zuesse offers his take on US Secretary of State Kerry’s concession of neocon positions toward Russia in his meeting yesterday with Russian leaders. Kerry was very agreeable and complimentary toward the Russian government in the recent meeting in Moscow. The puzzle is why Kerry allowed…

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War With Russia: Alastair Crooke agrees with PCR Here is Alastair Crooke’s full article: http://www.conflictsforum.org/2015/cornering-russia-risking-world-war-iii/ Alastair Crooke, a British diplomat, was a senior person in British intelligence. Crooke has come to the same conclusions as I have: Compare Crooke: “we should perhaps contemplate the paradox that Russia’s determination to try to avoid war is leading…

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Fear on Demand Guest Column by Stephen Lendman The San Bernardino Shootings Were A Black Op US Government Operation Three separate eyewitnesses saw three tall male caucasians carry out the executions. Syed Rizwan and Tashfeen Malik were chosen to be the patsies and murdered so that they could not contradict the concocted accusation against them.…

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How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?
The post How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Memb…

British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position “Moscow seems to be offered a choice between backing the ‘hegemon’ or preparing for war” Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151213/1031684785/us-russia-cold-war-isis.html

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Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World Watch State Dept liar John Kirby be taken apart by a female RT reporter. Notice his claim that the US has great relations with the Iraq government and is there with Iraq’s blessing: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43692.htm Then read this report on Zero Hedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-09/iraq-seeks-cancel-security-agreement-us-will-invite-russia-fight-isis It is difficultl to…

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