The West Is So Lost In The Matrix That Only Socialists Can Raise The Real Issues Excerpts: “None of the hearings discussed the broader implications of the US preparations for war, or what a major war between nuclear-armed powers would mean for the survival of the human race, and even of life on our planet.…

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QUOTE OF THE CENTURY Dimitrios Konstantakopoulos Provides The Most Accurate Description Of European Politicians “Today’s European politicians . . . are ‘test-tube politicians,’ who haven’t emerged from a process of significant political battles with worthy political oppnents, but have instead risen to power through the manipulations conjured by the strong players of the financial capital…

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God’s “Chosen People” Murder At Will The US government and brainwashed Americans enable the murders. We are complicit.

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Can America Afford Not Having A National Healh Service? Paul Craig Roberts Below is an interview of a medical doctor, Irene Aguilar, who is a member of the Colorado state legislature, by Nathan Schneider of Yes Manazine. Members of the state legislature have proposed a Colorado state universal health care plan that is under the…

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Can America Afford Not Having A National Healh Service? Paul Craig Roberts Below is an interview of a medical doctor, Irene Aguilar, who is a member of the Colorado state legislature, by Nathan Schneider of Yes Manazine. Members of the state legislature have proposed a Colorado state universal health care plan that is under the…

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Who Was Killed in Abbottabad in May 2011? Osama bin Laden or Someone Else? Pentagon Ordered Purge of Osama “Death Files” from Data Bank Guest Column By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, October 30, 2015 Global Research 8 July 2013

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