Goon Thug Murderer Uses VirTra Systems To Train Cops How To Murder The training works by jolting cops with painful electrical shocks when they hesitate to shoot. The justification for inculcating trigger-happiness is that the alternative is the “dire consequence”…

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Financial Times Declares For State Fascism According to this article, the Financial Times and an anonymous coward who will not reveal his name have come out in favor of State Fascism. The plan is to eliminate cash and, thereby, private…

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US 4-Star Army General Abused by Fayetteville, GA, Goon Thug Police Eighty-four year old general who walks with a cane was brutalized by goon thugs who justified their violence with a cock-and-bull story that the elderly general seized a young…

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Greece Is Under Foreign Occupation Paul Craig Roberts As I have emphasized since the beginning of the Greek “sovereign debt crisis,” the point of the orchestrated crisis is to loot Greece both of its assets and its sovereignty. The looting…

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Here speaks a Christian minister. But many pretend-Christians will ignore him, because they are brainwashed by Zionist propaganda that only gentiles can commit sins, and those sins are against Israel. We have reached the point in our moral collapse…

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This is an interesting analysis by Mike Whitney: One question is: Can the Islamist Revolution unleashed by Washington be contained? Or have Washington and its NATO vassals killed so many Muslims and destroyed so many countries and institutions that…

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Guest Column: A History of False Flag Attacks False flag attacks are common. You need to wake up to this. Calling them “conspiracy theories” is government’s way of suppressing the truth.

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A Potpourri Will Women Prefer Trump? The immigration issue should score well with American-born women. According to this news report, all employment gains made by women since 2007 went to foreign-born females. There Will Be No Air To Breathe…

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Guest Column by Mikhail Gorbachev “Reagan acted out of honest conviction and genuinely rejected nuclear weapons. Already during my first meeting with him in November of 1985, we were able to make the most important determination: “Nuclear war cannot be…

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Psychologist openly admits he trains police officers to shoot first and ask questions later

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President Carter: The US is an “oligarchy with unlimited political bribery”

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President Carter: The US is an “oligarchy with unlimited political bribery”

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