‘A Japanese company is manufacturing a life-like child sex doll to be marketed specifically to paedophiles. The designer claims: ‘I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire’ Shin Takagi established his company over a decade ago, and his been marketing the […]

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‘This is among the most surprising, disturbing, and I think as-yet unmapped area of possible institutional corruption in the UK that has yet been uncovered. As with all subtly embedded webs of social engineering, it’s difficult if not impossible, to reduce it to a series of bullet points. What follows are are the main ones. […]

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‘Say the word “paedophilia” in public and watch the quasi-universal reaction; there is nothing we loathe more and nothing we are more reluctant to talk about. Cold-blooded serial killers elicit more sympathy than child abusers. So when a team of journalists uncovers data on 95,000 men around the world who like to spend their free […]

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‘As many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in England in the two years up to March 2014, according to a major new report. Some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) believes this is a […]

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‘It must be exhausting to be a monarchist, forever finding ways to pretend a family of cold, talentless snobs are better than the rest of us. They have to make gold out of mud. The system of monarchy — selecting a head of state solely because of the womb they passed through, and surrounding them […]

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‘At his constituency office in North London, the Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn sits down to a pre-arranged meeting with five very anxious social workers. His visitors on that day in 1992 include four current or recent employees of Islington Council, the London borough where Corbyn’s constituency is situated. Their jobs are to safeguard some of […]

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‘Tom DeLay appeared on Newsmax TV yesterday, where he told host Steve Malzberg that, just as he had predicted, all Hell is now breaking loose because of the Supreme Court ruling striking down gay marriage bans. Things are now so out of control, DeLay said, that he even knows about a “secret memo” from the […]

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