Democracy for sale: how our politics are heavily reliant on tax haven-friendly donors. Also, we ask: why is HSBC shutting down offshore accounts in Jersey? Are we in the final few years of the corporate income tax? Is Australia’s exempting

Just what does a bank have to do to lose its licence?! In the February 2015 Taxcast we look at the fall out from #HSBCLeaks and ask how we can genuinely tackle criminality in global finance? Also: the latest research

Just what does a bank have to do to lose its licence?! In the February 2015 Taxcast we look at the fall out from #HSBCLeaks and ask how we can genuinely tackle criminality in global finance? Also: the latest research

Just what does a bank have to do to lose its licence?! In the February 2015 Taxcast we look at the fall out from #HSBCLeaks and ask how we can genuinely tackle criminality in global finance? Also: the latest research

Given today’s news that the accounting firm PwC has been condemned in a new report by the UK Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for providing misleading evidence to Parliament and “promoting tax avoidance on an industrial scale”, it seems like

Given today’s news that the accounting firm PwC has been condemned in a new report by the UK Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for providing misleading evidence to Parliament and “promoting tax avoidance on an industrial scale”, it seems like

Podcast: Play in new window | Download With Silver enduring the largest 1-day smash in 18 months Thursday, PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler joined the show this week discussing: Gold & silver take-down on options expiration/ First Notice Day- Cartel had to force selling

Offshore vs football in the January 2015 Taxcast: how offshore is ruining the ‘Beautiful Game’ – the Taxcast scrutinises football’s own goal. Also: how banks with criminal convictions are being allowed to continue to handle your money, how people may